SDS Consulting is inspired to support organisations and the causes they promote, and to contribute to their success by helping them achieve greater impact. We are skilled in supporting organisations in the recruitment process which includes: – job analysis, sourcing, screening and selection, and selection of the right candidates and the designating of work process. Ideally, the role of Human Resource Management (HRM) is to find the best way to increase the productivity of an organization through its employees. We work together with our clients in participative processes to help them identify talent gaps in the organisation and finding the right people to fill the roles.
Human Resource Manage is a strategic approach to the effective and efficient management of people in an organistaion which seeks to achieve competitive advantage through the strategic deployment of a highly committed and capable workforce, using an integrated array of cultural, structural and personnel techniques.
There are three major subdomains, summarized here under the acronyms MHRM, SHRM, and IHRM.
i. Micro Human Resource Management (MHRM) – This covers the subfunctions of HR policy and practice. These can be further grouped into two main categories. The largest group of subfunctions is concerned with managing individuals and small groups, including such areas as recruitment, selection, induction, training and development, performance management, and remuneration.
ii. Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM) – This is concerned with systemic questions and issues of serious consequence and how the pieces just described might fit together, with how they might connect to the broader context and to other organizational activities, and with the ends they might serve. SHRM focuses on the overall HR strategies adopted by business units and companies and tries to measure their impacts on performance.
iii. International Human Resource Management (IHRM) – This is concerned itself with HRM in companies operating across national boundaries. This connects strongly to issues of importance in the fields of international business, including the internationalization process.
SDS places emphasis on understanding HRM as the management of work and people in organizations and the analytical approach we take to this means that the boundaries between HRM, industrial/employment relations, organizational behavior/theory, economics, sociology, psychology, and labor law (and more) are, at the least, porous. As a management discipline, HRM draws insights, models, and theories from cognate disciplines and applies them to real world settings.
We help our clients examine the extent to which employers and worker outcomes are mutually satisfying and, thus, more sustainable in our societies over the long run. HRM is interactional, a process that will inevitably challenge other disciplines offering a narrative about how employees experience work. In our view, HRM has three important characteristics. First, it is concerned with the ‘what’ and ‘why’ of HRM, with understanding what management tries to do with work and people in different contexts and with explaining why. Second, it is interested in the ‘how’ of HRM, in the chain of processes that make models of HRM work well, thus building much stronger links to companion disciplines such as strategic management and organizational behavior. Third, it is interested in questions of ‘for whom and how well,’ with assessing the outcomes of HRM, taking account of both employee and managerial interests, and laying a basis for theories of wider social consequence.